Application problem doing crosstabulation and chi-square
A5.5, Application Problem ‐ Crosstabulation and Chi‐Square. Using the “college student data.sav” and “hsbdata.sav” files, do the following problems. Write a short narrative of your process, an interpretation of your findings, and write your results. Cut and paste your outputs directly into your document and refer to them in your interpretation. a. Write two research questions and two null hypotheses relating to the following pairs of data, run crosstabs and interpret the results of chi‐square and phi (or Cramer’s V), as discussed in Chapter 6 and in the interpretation of Output 8.1 for the following data pairs: 1) “gender” and “marital status” and 2) “age group” and “marital status”. Include Case Processing Summary, Crosstabulation, Chi‐Square Tests, and Symetric Measures tables and refer to them in your interpretation. Include a discussion of relevant differences or similarities. Prior to running the analysis, discuss how the data meets the assumptions and conditions for the tests you are going to conduct. Support your assertion with the appropriate descriptive statistics. b. Write two research questions and two null hypotheses relating to the following pairs of data, run crosstabs and interpret the results of chi‐square and phi (or Cramer’s V), as discussed in Chapter 6 and in the interpretation of Output 8.1 for the following data pairs: 1) “mathach” and “calc” and 2) “mathach” and “trig”. Include Case Processing Summary, Crosstabulation, Chi‐Square Tests, and Symetric Measures tables and refer to them in your interpretation. Include a discussion of relevant differences or similarities. Prior to running the analysis, discuss how the data meets the assumptions and conditions for the tests you are going to conduct. Support your assertion with the appropriate descriptive statistics.