Assignment about news story related to crime
please read the attached carefully !!!
Minimum grade is A
More instructions:
The first is to be more specific. Rather than say you are surprised to read about baseball crime, it’s much better to say that you were surprised to read that 37% of Americans have been a victim of baseball crime such as counterfeit wood bats (just in case it’s not painfully obvious, this is a made up example). Or rather than say you weren’t surprised because you know someone who’s been a victim of baseball crime, tell me about how a classmate in fifth grade missed two weeks of class because they were in the hospital recovering from full-body splinters caused by using a counterfeit wood bat.
The second is to approach each article (and course reading) with academic skepticism. Just because something is published in an online news source doesn’t mean you should accept it without question. The best way to approach new information is to see if you can verify it by going to another legitimate source. Please don’t simply accept or reject any new ideas based on your initial reaction or feeling, but really do the work of thinking through them and testing them out. Whether you end up accepting or rejecting a particular idea, being able to back that up with facts will make your position stronger. To me, developing the skill of questioning and verifying is the whole point of this class.