Assignment: data collection and analysis | EDDD 8075 – Sustaining and Supporting Effective Practices in Special Education | Walden University
Effective leaders use data to guide them through decision making, setting goals, and monitoring progress. Data are also used for evaluating programs for effectiveness, enhancing curriculum, and improving teaching and learning. Collaboratively, members of the organization review and analyze data to identify the next appropriate challenge. Through the collection of data, both teachers and leaders have a clear understanding of where they are, where they want to be, and how to get there. For this Assignment, you will complete Part 2 of your Course Project, collecting program and district data that will benefit the program evaluation meeting.
To prepare:
- Review elements of “Focusing Direction” in Chapter 2 as you reflect on the challenge identified in Module 1.
- Collect program and district data from your setting.
- Identify pertinent stakeholders that will assist you with driving whole systems change.
By Day 7 of Week 3
Part 2: Data Gathering
Create a PowerPoint presentation to present at your meeting, displaying tables, charts, or graphs to represent the program and district data that you collected for use during the team meeting. Provide an analysis of the data collected. Note: There are two sections for Part 2: creating a PowerPoint and writing a 2- to 3-page analysis.
Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:
- Demographics (student population, percentage of students with exceptionalities, ethnicity, etc.); assessment scores; retention rates; and placement data (special education programs)
- District strategic plan and/or program goals. If your program does not have any goals or plans, list key topics/quality indicators to discuss with the stakeholders that would help drive your discussions on program effectiveness.
**Attach your PowerPoint as Appendix B.
Write a 2- to 3-page analysis of the data that includes the following:
- An analysis of the data collected, including strengths, needs, and trends.
- An explanation of how you will address each of Fullan’s four elements for focusing direction: purpose-driven, goals that impact, clarity of strategy, and change leadership during the course of this project.