Bsbwrk520 – manage employee relations
Task 1
Assessment Instructions
This is an individual assessment. For this task, you will use the scenario and simulated business information provided to identify long-term employee relations objectives and analyse existing employee relations performance and strategic and operational plans to develop options for an employee relations strategy and policies. You will then evaluate these options in terms of cost–benefit and risk analysis and legislative requirements and prepare a proposal strategy for management to review.
Review the Safety Traffic Co. simulated business information provided by your assessor and submit all documentation to your assessor as per the specifications below. Please keep copies for your records.
1. Prepare a draft proposal of an employee relations strategy. For your draft proposal, you need to do the following:
a. Identify and describe three long-term employee relations objectives for Safety Traffic Co.
b. Analyse current employee relations performance.
c. Develop several employee relations strategy or policy options for each of your identified employee relations objectives.
d. Identify relevant Safety Traffic Co. stakeholders for each option and include a description of how they will be consulted.
e. Evaluate each option, including:
i. a cost–benefit analysis and an assessment of risk (include a completed cost–benefit analysis and risk assessment plan template, provided in Appendix 1)
ii. a determination of the likelihood of risk preventing the organisation meeting its objectives and the possible consequences of such an event on organisational performance.
f. Document and summarise the legislative requirements and key entities in the industrial relations system (courts, tribunals, etc.) and considerations for each option.
g. Include discussion of how your identified long-term employee relations objectives meet the needs of the organisation and how they address current employee relations issues.
2. Write a formal email to schedule a meeting for relevant stakeholders with Safety Traffic Co. to discuss your draft proposal.
Note: For Assessment Task 2, you will need to refer to work submitted for this assessment task.
To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:
You must submit:
• a draft proposal of an employee relations strategy, including a completed cost–benefit analysis and risk assessment plan (Appendix 1)
• a formal email to stakeholders to schedule a meeting to discuss the proposal.
Appendix 1: Cost–benefit analysis and risk assessment plan template
Cost–benefit analysis
Risk assessment plan
Associated risk/s
Risk level
(monitor, low, medium, high, very-high)
Risk control
Task 2
Assessment Instructions
This is an individual assessment. As part of Assessment Task 1, you developed an employee relations strategy proposal for Safety Traffic Co., which was submitted to the management team for review. You have just received an email confirmation that the top three most cost-effective options in your proposal have been approved.
You are now required to develop an implementation plan describing how the employee relations strategy will be actioned into work operations at Safety Traffic Co.
Review the Safety Traffic Co. case study provided to you by your assessor and submit all documentation to your assessor as per the specifications below. Please keep copies for your records.
1. Based on the most cost-effective employee relations option you developed (in consultation with your assessor) in the draft employee relations proposal in Assessment Task 1, develop an implementation and contingency plan for the employee relations strategy. See Appendix 1 for the implementation and contingency plan template.
Your plan should include:
a. the employee relations option being implemented
b. activities required for implementation
c. a timeframe
d. resources required
e. costs
f. people responsible for tasks
g. contingency planning.
2. Develop a training implementation plan that outlines training that will be delivered to: support the implementation of employee relations option; and improve site supervisors’ skills in conflict management techniques. See Appendix 2 for the training implementation plan template.
Your plan should include:
a. learning objectives
b. required competencies
c. training methods
d. the number of training sessions
e. a proposed timeframe to complete the training.
3. Develop a monitoring and review plan describing how the employee relations strategy will be reviewed over the next 12 months. Identify how you will determine whether long-term employee relations objectives and current organisational needs are being met. See Appendix 3 for the monitoring and review plan template.
To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:
You must submit:
• an implementation and contingency plan for the employee relations strategy
• a training implementation plan
• a monitoring and review plan for the employee relations strategy and implementation.