Bus 105: business communication_topic 15 exam: cross–cultural
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Which of the following is true about the attitudes of cultures toward various factors of human relationships?
Select one:a. In the United States, people are polychronic and view time in a more relaxed way.b. In the United States, people hold the view that important people should be late to show that they are busy.c. In business negotiations, people from the United States move at a deliberately slow pace, engaging in casual talk before getting to the main issue.d. North Americans view space as belonging to all; thus, they jostle for space when boarding trains, standing at ticket counters, or shopping.e. Americans work hard to neutralize body odors or to cover them up and view body odor as unsanitary.
Question 2
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Ethnocentrism is best defined as:
Select one:a. the belief that every culture has its own significance.b. the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another.c. the collective programming of the mind which we share with more of our compatriots as opposed to most other world citizens.d. the tendency to see only one’s own cultural programming as “normal.”e. the belief that there is a universal system of forms and conventions underlying the use of human language.
Question 3
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Which of the following is true about the attitudes of cultures toward various factors of human relationships?
Select one:a. People belonging to polychronic cultures regard time as something that must be planned in order to be used as efficiently as possible.b. Communicators belonging to low-context cultures use a more multimodal style of communication compared to those from high-context cultures.c. In individualistic cultures people are expected to look after themselves and their families.d. People from across cultures hold the common view that space belongs to all.e. Communicators belonging to high-context cultures tend to express themselves in concrete, direct, and explicit ways.
Question 4
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Americans generally offer a handshake that is:
Select one:a. brusque and firm with a single pump.b. moderate in grasp and repeated frequently.c. firm with three to five pumps.d. light, quick, and sometimes with a double kiss.e. gentle, long-lasting, and sometimes with kisses on both cheeks.
Question 5
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Which of the following statements is true about cultural differences regarding body positions and movements?
Select one:a. In the United States an up-and-down movement of the head means “no” and a side-to-side movement of the head means “yes.”b. Muslims generally accept gifts with the left hand.c. Touching with the left hand is considered a sign of respect among Muslims.d. To refer to themselves, the Japanese point to their faces.e. In Indonesia, looking directly at people, especially those who are older or in higher positions is considered respectful.
Question 6
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Which of the following statements is true about cultural differences regarding body positions and movements?
Select one:a. In the United States, most people indicate the number “one” by holding up the thumb.b. Chinese people greet each other with kisses on both cheeks.c. In the United States an up-and-down movement of the head means “no” and a side-to-side movement of the head means “yes.”d. To point to themselves, Americans point to their chests.e. To point to themselves, the Chinese point to their abdomen.
Question 7
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Which of the following sentences does not have a two-word verb?
Select one:a. Look out for snakes in the forest.b. Smith was asked to stay after class.c. I was brought up by my aunt.d. The game was called off.e. Please fill out this form.
Question 8
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Which of the following sentences does not have a two-word verb?
Select one:a. The flight took off an hour ago.b. She will come back next month.c. You can always depend on John.d. There was a fire in the forest.e. I thought the movie was going to end, but it just dragged on.
Question 9
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Which of the following sentences does not have a two-word verb?
Select one:a. We blew up some balloons.b. The girl with the red hair is pretty.c. He made up that story.d. They quickly put out the fire.e. I’ll put my new dress on.
Question 10
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In order to avoid misinterpretations in cross-cultural communication, you should:
Select one:a. avoid using two-word verbs.b. use passive voice instead of active voice.c. use colloquial expressions.d. avoid using the active verb.e. avoid using back translating procedures.