Health professional career plan report | Health professions today
Part One:
Pick a health care profession that you plan to pursue or interest them-(Medical Billing & Coding). Conduct research on the internet to get a general sense of the profession they have chosen. Prepare a 1 to 2 page document in which you provide an overview of the skills, education, training, and certifications required for the profession.
Part two:
Outline intentional plan for achieving educational goals with regard to their chosen health profession. Create a 1-2 page document how you plan to achieve the educational, professional certification, and continuing education requirements for the profession they have chosen. Explain how the program they are currently enrolled in fits their plan. and how AHP 101 Health Careers today lays the foundation. How do you plan to balance professional, personal, and academic lives as work to achieve this plan.
(I attend Fortis college medical billing and coding certificate program and graduate in November. Voc Rehab in the military will assist to obtain the extra certifications needed to be a licensed coder. My support system is my family, church, friends, military program(Voc rehab), counselor and teachers of the program. I work full time with hours can choose around school schedule and my family is very supportive. Academically I take an hour to 2 a day to study and do the work required to pass the class.)
Part 3:
Select several of the major healthcare regulations that affect chosen profession. Briefly describe the provisions of the legislation, briefly list the impacts of this legislation on chosen profession, and briefly outline measures that can be taken to ensure provisions are followed and impacts are minimized.
Cite everything!!!