History qestion the british atlantic world 1660-1750

Answer History Qestions  the British Atlantic World 1660-1750, no limited words, small paragraph 5-7 sentences. 


1.What strategies did Charles II and James II employ to try to gain more centralized control over England’s American colonies? What did James hope to accomplish by creating the Dominion of New England?


2.How did the long era of imperial warfare beginning in 1689 affect the colonies, Native Americans, and relations between them?


3.What was the South Atlantic System, and how did it shape colonial society?


4.How did the institution of slavery develop, and why did it develop differently in the Chesapeake, the Carolina low country, and the West Indies?


5.HEMATIC UNDERSTANDING Trace the developments outlined in the section entitled “Politics and Power” from 1660 to 1750 on the thematic timeline. What pattern of political evolution do you see in colonial interactions with Britain?  (http://www.macmillanhighered.com/BrainHoney/Resource/6696/digital_first_content/trunk/test/henretta8e/asset/timeline/timeline102.html)


6.ACROSS TIME AND PLACE In Chapter 2, we traced the emergence of three distinct colonial types in the Americas during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: tribute, plantation, and neo-European colonies. In Chapter 3, we have seen how Britain’s plantation and neo-European colonies became more closely interconnected after 1700. What developments caused them to become more closely tied to each other? How did they benefit from these ties? Can you see any disadvantages to the colonies in a more fully integrated Atlantic system?


7.VISUAL EVIDENCE Consider the illustrations of women hulling rice in West Africa and Georgia. Historians have long debated the role Africans played in developing rice cultivation in the South Carolina and Georgia low country. These debates have focused primarily on methods of cultivation: Did Africans who had prior experience with rice teach English planters how to grow it? How can these two images contribute to the debate and expand our perspective on the question of African influences in American rice production? (http://www.macmillanhighered.com/BrainHoney/Resource/6696/digital_first_content/trunk/test/henretta8e/asset/img_ch3/ch03_03UN12.html)


8.KEY TURNING POINTS: The Glorious Revolution (1688–1689), salutary neglect and the rise of the assemblies (1714–1750), and the Hat, Molasses, Iron, and Currency Acts (1732–1751). How do these developments reflect Britain’s new attitude toward its colonies? In what matters did Parliament seek to control the colonies, and in what did it grant them autonomy?