Leadership development journal: entry #2
Need by Saturday 9pm EST (5/6)
Complete the Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment in Ch. 9.
Summarize your results in Leadership Development Journal: Entry #2.
Include in the summary:
- How you see yourself and your authentic leadership traits
- What the self-assessment indicates about you
Complete the Servant Leadership Questionnaire in Ch. 10.
Summarize your results in your Leadership Development Journal: Entry #2. Include in the summary:
- How you see yourself and your servant leadership skills
- What the questionnaire indicates about you
Format consistent with APA guidelines.
Complete the Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment in Ch. 9.
Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Instructions: This questionnaire contains items about different dimensions of authentic leadership. There are no right or wrong responses, so please answer honestly. Use the following scale when responding to each statement by writing the number from the scale below that you feel most accurately characterizes your response to the statement.
Sum the responses on items 1, 5, 9, and 13 (self-awareness).
Sum the responses on items 2, 6, 10, and 14 (internalized moral perspective).
Sum the responses on items 3, 7, 11, and 15 (balanced processing).
Sum the responses on items 4, 8, 12, and 16 (relational transparency).
Total Scores
Self-Awareness: ______
Internalized Moral Perspective: _____
Balanced Processing: _____
Relational Transparency: _____
Scoring Interpretation
This self-assessment questionnaire is designed to measure your authentic leadership by assessing four components of the process: self-awareness, internalized moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency. By comparing your scores on each of these components, you can determine which are your stronger and which are your weaker components in each category. You can interpret your authentic leadership scores using the following guideline: high = 16–20 and low = 15 and below. Scores in the upper range indicate stronger authentic leadership, whereas scores in the lower range indicate weaker authentic leadership.
Complete the Servant Leadership Questionnaire in Ch. 10
Servant Leadership Questionnaire
Instructions: Select two people who know you in a leadership capacity such as a coworker, fellow group member, or follower. Make two copies of this questionnaire and give a copy to each individual you have chosen. Using the following 7-point scale, ask them to indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree with the following statements as they pertain to your leadership. In these statements, “He/She” is referring to you in a leadership capacity.
Using the questionnaires on which others assessed your leadership, take the separate scores for each item, add them together, and divide that sum by two. This will give you the average score for that item. For example, if Person A assessed you at 4 for Item 2, and Person B marked you as a 6, your score for Item 2 would be 5.
Once you have averaged each item’s scores, use the following steps to complete the scoring of the questionnaire:
Add up the scores on 1, 8, 15, and 22. This is your score for emotional healing.
Add up the scores for 2, 9, 16, and 23. This is your score for creating value for the community.
Add up the scores for 3, 10, 17, and 24. This is your score for conceptual skills.
Add up the scores for 4, 11, 18, and 25. This is your score for empowering.
Add up the scores for 5, 12, 19, and 26. This is your score for helping followers grow and succeed.
Add up the scores for 6, 13, 20, and 27. This is your score for putting followers first.
Add up the scores for 7, 14, 21, and 28. This is your score for behaving ethically.
Scoring Interpretation
High range: A score between 23 and 28 means you strongly exhibit this servant leadership behavior.
Moderate range: A score between 14 and 22 means you tend to exhibit this behavior in an average way.
Low range: A score between 8 and 13 means you exhibit this leadership below the average or expected degree.
Extremely low range: A score between 0 and 7 means you are not inclined to exhibit this leadership behavior at all.
The scores you received on the Servant Leadership Questionnaire indicate the degree to which you exhibit the seven behaviors characteristic of a servant leader. You can use the results to assess areas in which you have strong servant leadership behaviors and areas in which you may strive to improve.