“the book of acts” flow chart
Complete this assignment as you read the book of Acts during this term.
For each chapter of Acts, provide a title followed by one significant verse from that chapter that supports the title, and then list the three most significant events or elements in each chapter.
Be sure that the title for each chapter captures the primary events of the chapter.
Be clear and specific. The title will be created by putting each chapter’s content into a single sentence and then narrowing it to a title, such as “Stephen’s Message before the Sanhedrin Leads to His Martyrdom” for chapter 7 or “The Jerusalem Council Concludes that Salvation is Apart from Circumcision and Moses’ Law” for chapter 15.
Following the title, write out one significant verse from that chapter that supports the title. It’s not enough to give a verse reference; write out the entire verse, then give the reference in parentheses following the verse.
Finally, list three most significant events or elements in each chapter. Avoid the temptation to copy the titles that you may find in your copy of the Bible. Copying will be of no value to you in knowing more of the book of Acts, and will become evident to the teacher as these titles are usually consistent throughout Bible versions. These titles will only come to you if you read the Scriptures for comprehension.