Contextual thinking about different scenarios


This exercise involves you using imagination and logical reasoning to occupy the mindset of a visualiser facing the task of formulating a brief for different scenarios. Imagine you are given the challenge of creating a visualisation/infographic in each of the following made-up scenarios relating to the subject of Oil Spills

Scenario A: A broadsheet newspaper reporting on the regions and communities affected by oil spills

Scenario B: Analysts at the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF) providing business intelligence reporting to support operational colleagues

Scenario C: Presentation to shareholders of BP (British Petroleum) demonstrating the reduction in spill-related losses

Website reference: The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF) statistics page

Compile a document outlining your assumptions, definitions and ideas about the context and vision for each of the scenarios presented above. Get into the mindset of the potential creators and audiences. If you were them what do you think you might be faced with in terms of requirements, constraints, needs and possibilities? 

Please find the attached file for more information.