Discussion board: new gilded age? || group 1 || lesson 2

Many people have said history tends to repeat itself. Others have said that we learn from the mistakes of the past. After reading the text and the articles provided on the Gilded Age, view the political cartoons presentation. Choose one of the provided images or another Gilded Age cartoon that speaks to your interests, then post your cartoon on the Discussion Board [Attach a picture in the file] and answer the following questions: What is the author try to convey in this picture? Is the author correct in their point of view? Why or why not? Could this image be used today to criticize the current culture/economy/government? Fully explain your answers and give specific examples when needed.

To receive full credit for this assignment your post must:

  1. Address the questions asked in the paragraph above in at least a 300-word post and cite all outside sources appropriately
  2. In your initial post, include at least one interesting question the readings raised for you