Dri analysis | Chemistry homework help

How does your diet compare to the DRI recommendations? Identify areas for improvement and food choices to adjust intake. Then assess your progress on your goals and small changes since doing HW 3.

1. Write down all foods and beverages you consume for ONE day creating your Cronometer account – (Attached you will find report analysis. You will refer to this image to compose essay)

2. Compose a comprehensive summary to explain the results of your analysis in comparison to what you have learned in Topics 3 during this course. Your interpretation of the Nutrients Report should demonstrate your understanding of the nutrients and proper use of the DRI acronyms RDA, AI, and UL.

A. If any vitamin or mineral on the analysis was under (<85%) describe the health consequences for each of those nutrients if long term deficiency were to continue. Also, note what specific foods are good sources to boost intake of the nutrients that were low? Example:

Intake of Vitamin E: 8.3 mg (56%) Target RDA: 15 mg/day

Vitamin E is fat soluble. It is an antioxidant that stops the chain reactions of free radicals that attack the cells in your body. I am 44% short of target goal. A few food groups that will help get more vitamin E include the whole grains, nuts and seeds, and leafy green vegetables. Sunflower seeds and wheat germ are especially rich sources that I could add to my diet. Vitamin E deficiency is rare but can affect your red blood cells by inducing hemolysis (breaking of their membranes) that can damage nerve, immune and lung function.

B. If your intake on this assignment was over (>150%) comment on any health concerns if excessive intake were to continue. Note if there a UL established. What specific food modifications would you suggest? Example:

Vitamin C Intake: 286 mg (382%) Target RDA: 75 mg/day Upper Limit: 2000 mg

Vitamin C helps with collagen formation and can act as an antioxidant, defending against free radicals. Too much can lead to gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea whereas too little can lead to issues such as scurvy, weakened bones and even anemia. Smokers, in particular, need to take in a little more vitamin C due to the oxidants that are in smoke. My intake was three times the RDA for non-smoking women but safely below the UL. The red bell peppers and strawberries were the big contributors of vitamin C on my analysis. No reduction in dietary sources of vitamin C is needed. They were natural sources of vitamin C, not from fortification or enrichment of foods.

C. Include details of your analysis for the FOUR most off target vitamins and the FOUR most off target minerals.

3. Reflect on your personal goals and small changes from HW 3: Drinking water, being more active and doing yoga. 

What changes did you succeed at and which ones where more challenging during this nutrition course? Each student should have at least three personal diet related goals with specific small changes plus at least one physical activity goal with small change from HW 3.  Include this section after your comprehensive summary of the eight off target non-energy nutrients.

6. Lively, interesting, and well organized submissions are always fun to read. Spell check and read your essay out loud before you submit your final copy.