Mn555 unit 5 discussion 2
Group B: Last name M-Z
Case 2: Skin Discussion Topic
Sally is 17 years old and recently became bothered by a rash that is itchy, red, inflamed, and dry. She also has scaly areas that she says are getting worse. The rash is only around her umbilicus and on her elbows. Both of her parents have psoriasis, but she does not believe this is the problem because it appears different from her parents’ lesions. She lives in Florida, is under a lot of stress in high school, and just recovered from a lingering URI.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. What do you anticipate the rash will look like?
2. What are the risk factors for Sally getting psoriasis?
3. What diagnostic tests might you order?
4. What does the differential diagnosis include?
5. What is the goal of therapy?
6. What would you order first?
Advanced Nursing Care
7. What follow-up or referral is needed?
8. What patient education is needed?
9. What further care should be given?