Syp paper | World history homework help

My Country is Thailand

Paper One: Analyzing a World Bank Report Through the Lens of Dependency or Post-Development Theory

This assignment is designed with two aims in mind. First, it aims to familiarize you with the conventional development narrative as it pertains to your country of study. Second, it offers you the chance to evaluate this narrative through the lens of dependency OR post-development theory and to formulate an alternative plan for addressing social inequalities in your country of study.  

Instructions: For this assignment, you will read the Executive Summary of a World Bank report on your research country and analyze it in up to 500 words with reference to the concepts presented in the first three weeks of the course. (See the Module “Countries” under the Module section of canvas to download the report that you should use for this assignment. The page numbers of the executive summary are indicated on the Module page).

Please Note:

  • You are only required to read the Executive Summary of the World Bank report, however, you may find it necessary to refer to other sections of the report for information about economic activity or social inequality. This is particularly true of the two countries with brief executive summaries (Tunisia and Bangladesh).
  • Your essay should be divided into three sections. Create a section title for each section.
  • When you cite evidence from the World Bank report please include the page number from which you derived this evidence in parentheses.
  • Remember to put any exact quotes in quotations and cite the page number.
  • *Please reference the rubric. Relatively more weight is assigned to Section Three of the report as this assignment is designed to develop your understanding of dependency theory/post-development theory.*
  • For Section Three, please ensure that you are analyzing the report from the standpoint of a dependency theorist OR a post-development theorist BUT not both.

Section One

Development is conventionally understood as the realization of human improvement through economic growth.  According to the authors of your report, what human improvements have already been achieved in your country and to what forms of economic activity are these improvements attributed? Cite supporting evidence and examples from the report.

Section Two 

According to the report’s authors, what social inequalities exist in your country? How do the report’s authors propose rectifying these social inequalities through economic growth? Cite supporting evidence and examples from the report.

Section Three

Explain how either a dependency theorist OR a post-development theorist would respond to the report. First, briefly define dependency theory or post-development theory. Then, explain what aspects of the report that the dependency theorist or post-development theorist would find commendable or objectionable and the reasons why this would be so. Finally, briefly describe how a dependency theorist or post-development theorist may propose to rectify the social inequalities highlighted in the report.


Accurately identifies how authors’ report relates human improvements to economic activity (with supporting examples or evidence)


Accurately relates information that authors present on social inequality


Accurately identifies how authors’ propose rectifying social inequality through economic growth  (with evidence and examples)


Accurately defines dependency or post-development theory


Accurately identifies elements of report dependency or post-development theorist would find agreeable or objectionable and explains reasoning behind this


Proposes an alternative plan for addressing social inequalities consistent with outlook of dependency/postdevelopment theory


Quality of writing (Uses correct grammar, spelling; is clear and concise).