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Field Work Assignments: 200 Points

1. Literacy-Rich Environment Observation PPT Presentation (10-12 slides).

After reading the module on Literacy-Rich Environments document and observing 4 different classroom environments, candidates will assess them for optimal literacy learning across the curriculum. They can use their own classroom as 1 of the 4. Candidates must check out at least 2 different grade levels and use the Literacy Checklist (Page 8-12 of the guide) as a guide for their visits. The final assignment will be a PPT presentation (10-12 Slides) of what they found and what they would use when planning for their future classrooms.

2.  Book Clubs for Teachers and Students on Disability Themed Novels: PPT Presentation (10-12 Slides)

Candidates will discuss through group research and presentations the importance of using fiction to introduce crucial tough topics to readers as part of culturally responsive teaching. Through teacher action research, they will cover social-emotional learning and how to address disability in a sensitive way. They will engage their students and colleagues in understanding how to use Fish in a Tree to start productive and informative conversations across the school community and help their students discover the power of fictional books. 

Use the questions below to lead the discussions and gather students’ and teachers’ responses.

Compile your findings in a PPT Presentation (10-12 Slides).