Tax- 700 final | Accounting homework help

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9-1 Final Project Submission

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Submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course.

To complete this assignment, review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document.

function ViewAssociatedQuestions( lobId, qgId ) { var lobDialog = new D2L.Dialog( ‘myDialog’ ); lobDialog.SetSize( 500, 715 ); lobDialog.SetTitle( ‘Questions associated with learning objective’ ); lobDialog.AddPrimaryButton( D2L.Control.Button.Type.Close ); lobDialog.SetSrc ( “/d2l/lms/qc/admin/question_group.d2l?ou=” + 211493 + “&lobId=” + lobId  + “&qgId=” + qgId ); lobDialog.Open(); } function ViewAssociatedSubmittedQuestions(lobId, qgId, qcId, userId ) { var lobDialog = new D2L.Dialog( ‘myDialog’ ); lobDialog.SetSize( 500, 715 ); lobDialog.SetTitle( ‘Questions associated with learning objective’ ); lobDialog.AddPrimaryButton( D2L.Control.Button.Type.Close ); lobDialog.SetSrc ( “/d2l/lms/quizzing/user/question_group.d2l?ou=” + 211493   + “&lobId=” + lobId  + “&qgId=” + qgId + “&qcId=” + qcId + “&userId=” + userId ); lobDialog.Open(); }   var PARENT = 1; var CHILD = -1;  var COMPETENCY = 1; var LEARNINGOBJECTIVE = 2; var ACTIVITY = 3;  function Add() { Nav.SubmitAction( ‘Create’ ); }  function Close(){ window.parent.opener.Nav.Reload(); 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if( relation == PARENT ) { relationString = ‘Add Existing Parent to’; } else { relationString = ‘Add Existing Child to’; }   var PopupObject = new d2l_Popup(); PopupObject.height = 500; PopupObject.width = 715; PopupObject.title = relationString + ‘ ‘ + objectName; PopupObject.AddButton(‘Add Selected’, ‘AddSelected’, ‘Left’, true); PopupObject.AddCancelButton(); if (showTreeView) { PopupObject.bodySource=”/d2l/lms/competencies/item_addexisting_parentchildren.d2l”; } else { PopupObject.bodySource=”/d2l/lms/competencies/item_addexisting_parentchildren_search.d2l”; } PopupObject.queryString = ‘ou=’ + ou + ‘&isPopup=1&objectId=’ + objectId + ‘&objectType=” + objectType + “&addobjectType=” + addobjectType + “&relation=’ + relation + ‘&csObjname=” + UI.EncodeUrl(objectName) + “&activityType=” + activityType + “&AddedKeys=” + UI.EncodeUrl(addedKeys);   PopupObject.Open();  }  function ViewParentChildrenPopup( ou, objectId, objectType, relation, advancedView ) {   var PopupParentChildren = new d2l_Popup(); PopupParentChildren.height = 500; PopupParentChildren.width = 615; if( relation == PARENT ) { PopupParentChildren.title = “View All Parents’; } else { PopupParentChildren.title=”View All Children”; } PopupParentChildren.AddCloseButton(true); PopupParentChildren.bodySource=”/d2l/lms/competencies/item_view_parentchildren.d2l”; PopupParentChildren.queryString = ‘ou=’ + ou + ‘&isPopup=1&objectId=’ + objectId + ‘&objectType=” + objectType + “&relation=’ + relation + ‘&advancedView=’ + advancedView; PopupParentChildren.Open();  }  function ViewParentChildrenDialog(ou, objectId, objectType, relation, advancedView) {      var Callback = function(dlgResponse) {          if (dlgResponse.GetType() == D2L.Dialog.ResponseType.Positive) {              var objectType = dlgResponse.GetData(‘objectType’)             var objectId = dlgResponse.GetData(‘objectId’)             var parentId = dlgResponse.GetData(‘parentId’)              var n = new D2L.NavInfo();              switch (objectType) {                 case (1):                     n.navigation = ‘/d2l/lms/competencies/competency_new.d2l’; 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PopupViewRubric.width = 880; PopupViewRubric.title = “Rubric Details”; PopupViewRubric.AddCloseButton(true); PopupViewRubric.bodySource = “/d2l/tools/rubrics/rubric/rubric_view.d2l”; PopupViewRubric.queryString = “ou=” + ou + “&ri=” + rubricId; PopupViewRubric.Open(); }  function ViewCompetencyOUAchievedPopup( ou, objectId, objectType, userId ) { var PopupViewOUAchieved = new d2l_Popup(); PopupViewOUAchieved.width = 430; PopupViewOUAchieved.title = “Competency Structure Element Completed”; PopupViewOUAchieved.AddCloseButton(true); PopupViewOUAchieved.bodySource = “/d2l/lms/competencies/competency_ou_achieved_popup.d2l”; PopupViewOUAchieved.queryString = “ou=” + ou + “&objectId=” + objectId + “&isPopup=1&objectType=” + objectType + “&uid=” + userId; PopupViewOUAchieved.Open();  }  function ViewObjectResultsPopup( ou, objectId, objectType, objName ) {   var PopupActivity = new d2l_Popup(); PopupActivity.height = 500; PopupActivity.width = 715; if( objectType == COMPETENCY ){ PopupActivity.title = objName + ” User Information”; PopupActivity.bodySource = “/d2l/lms/competencies/competency_user_information_popup.d2l”; PopupActivity.queryString = “ou=” + ou + “&competencyId=” + objectId + “&typeId=1&isPopup=1″ ; } else if( objectType == LEARNINGOBJECTIVE ) { PopupActivity.title = objName + ” User Information”; PopupActivity.bodySource = “/d2l/lms/competencies/competency_user_information_popup.d2l”; PopupActivity.queryString = “ou=” + ou + “&objectiveId=” + objectId + “&typeId=2&isPopup=1″ ; } else { PopupActivity.title = objName + ” Results”; PopupActivity.bodySource = “/d2l/lms/competencies/activity_results_popup.d2l”; PopupActivity.queryString = “ou=” + ou + “&activityId=” + objectId + “&isPopup=1” ; } PopupActivity.AddCloseButton(true); PopupActivity.Open();  }   Hide Rubrics  

Rubric Name: ACC 700 Final Project Rubric

       This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. Criteria ProficientNot Proficient       ACC-700-01: Employ discipline-specific research strategies to appraise the effectiveness and limitations of financial accounting and reporting practices in a global economy Add Feedback 17 points     0 points    Clear OverrideOverride/ 17 / 17 *Criterion score has been overridden       ACC-700-02: Evaluate and generate complex financial statements for internal and external users including effective compliance with full disclosure and in accordance with applicable governing rules and regulations Add Feedback 17 points     0 points    Clear OverrideOverride/ 17 / 17 *Criterion score has been overridden       ACC-700-03: Apply IRS rules for tax planning to minimize the tax liability of individuals and organizations Add Feedback 17 points     0 points    Clear OverrideOverride/ 17 / 17 *Criterion score has been overridden       ACC-700-04: Analyze, interpret, and communicate to all stakeholders the significance of accounting information as it relates to an organization’s strategic plans Add Feedback 16 points     0 points    Clear OverrideOverride/ 16 / 16 *Criterion score has been overridden       ACC-700-05: Prepare components of financial statements in accordance with both US GAAP and IFRS reporting requirements Add Feedback 17 points     0 points    Clear OverrideOverride/ 17 / 17 *Criterion score has been overridden       ACC-700-06: Assess an audit plan for compliance with PCAOB audit standards Add Feedback 16 points     0 points    Clear OverrideOverride/ 16 / 16 *Criterion score has been overriddenTotal