You work for a vendor that specializes in heart rate monitors for

Week 8 Pair Exercise iHeartRate Calculator

You work for a vendor that specializes in heart rate monitors for athletes, called iHeartRate. The monitor
is placed on their chest during exercise and reports the heart rate every minute during exercise. These
measurements are stored as a series of comma separated numbers in a text file. They have asked you to
write a module they can incorporate into their reporting that will parse these measurements and
produce the following for each workout:

The median heart rate
The mean heart rate
The lowest heart rate
The highest heart rate

The program will ask for a long list of integer numbers that are separated by commas.
o HINT: You will store this entire thing in a string. You will then need to figure out how to
use a loop in order to elicit the numbers, which are between the commas (except the first
and last number).
You will need to find the String value of the integer between commas, and store it as
a separate String variable
You can parse an integer from a String using Integer.parseInt(StringVariableHere)
to get the integer value.
This returns an integer value, so you should store it somehow
Keep in mind that the first number will have a comma after (but not before), and the
last number will have a comma before (but not after)
The program will then order these numbers.
o HINT: use Arrays.sort(yourArrayVariableHere);
o To use this method you will need to include java.util.Arrays;
The program will print out the median number.
The program will print out the mean number.
The program will print out the lowest number.
The program will print out the highest number.

1. You may work with a coworker on this exercise, or choose to do it alone.
2. First, work through on paper exactly what the requirements are asking you to do.
3. Once have worked through the requirements on paper, then code.
4. When you have finished, upload the project file to the Blackboard Week 8 pair exercise dropbox as
a zipped file with the following name:

Some sample input and corresponding output: